Get To Know Me!

First things first:

I have some potentially exciting news regarding my new book trilogy! I don't want to say anything and jinx it, but I will say this: I'm getting closer to achieving my goal of being traditionally published.

Now, on to the blog post...

My self-published fantasy trilogy, THE DRAGONWITCH CHRONICLES, has been out for seven months now (since the first book was released.) Can you believe it? Time flies!

I think it's long overdue for a blog post about me, the writer! I'm always eager to connect with my readers and fellow writers. I collected a list of questions people have asked me throughout the year, and I've decided to compile all of my answers here!

Let's begin, shall we?

1. How do you pronounce your name?
I get this question a lot, mainly because my last name is so different. My first name is pronounced Day/nah, and my last name is pronounced Greek/in. Lots of people say Grick/in instead! (To be fair, the spelling is a bit misleading.)

2. Where were you born?
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada! It's a rather boring city - very political, since Parliament is located here - but pretty safe and idyllic (except the wintertime - the snow lasts for six months!)

3. When is your birthday?
I was born on October 7, 1998! I'm a Libra. Although I'm young, I feel very old. People have often called me an old soul, and most of my friends are much older than me!

4. Besides writing, what do you enjoy doing?
I love cooking and baking - I'm always in the kitchen. I also enjoying reading (duh!), watching sci-fi films, going on long walks, and spending time with cats! (I love cats.)

5. If you weren't a writer, what would you be instead?
Growing up, I really wanted to be a veterinarian because I loved animals. I'm terrible at math and science, so it would never work! As a teenager, I wanted to be either a lawyer or a journalist, but I decided I loved writing too much and decided to pursue it professionally.

6. What is your greatest flaw?
I am a perfectionist. Seriously. It's terrible because I'm never satisfied with my work, but on the other hand, it ensures I'm constantly learning and getting better!

7. What is your favorite food?
I can't choose just one! It's a mix between veggie burgers, pizza, sushi, and french fries! (I know, I know - not healthy meals, but totally delicious!)

8. I know you're a gamer. What are your favorite games?
I especially love Mass Effect (it's number one), Dragon Age, Knights of the Old Republic, Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy, The Sims, and Stardrew Valley! I've also enjoyed other games, like Grand Theft Auto V, Indigo Prophecy, and Heavy Rain!

9. What is your favorite book/book series?
Oh man, this one is so hard! Currently, I'm in love with the Frostblood series by Elly Blake and An Ember in the Ashes series by Sabaa Tahir. I don't have any favorite books, per se - I really like any book with a great story and an amazing set of characters!

10. What is your favorite television show?
It's a tie between Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Simpsons, Friends, and Batman: The Animated Series.

11. If you could be any animal, what would it be?
A cat. They're so sleek and majestic. (I think I was a cat in a previous life - maybe in Ancient Egypt. That would be so cool.)

12. What are you currently working on?
I'm writing an adult science fiction novel called GENESIS HOTEL, which should be finished by the beginning of November. I hope to start querying it by December/January.

13. Where do you get your ideas?
Writers get asked this all the time, but honestly, we don't know! Where do thoughts come from? They just kind of appear, and it's your job as a writer to write them down before it slips away.

14. What is your writing process like?
I get up very early, make a big pot of tea, and then sit down and write all day long. The night before, I outline very briefly what I want to say in the next chapter, but mostly, I just make it up as I go along and edit ruthlessly.

15. What advice do you have to aspiring writers?
Keep writing, keep learning, and never give up! Writing is a difficult journey, but nothing is impossible!

I hope you enjoyed getting to know me! I had a lot of fun. I love to hear from my readers too, so don't be shy to send me a Tweet (@DanaGricken) or leave a comment!

Until next time!




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