Publishing Is A Roller Coaster

First off, Happy June! 2019 is officially half over. Isn't that insane? It feels like it was January last month.

I'll be turning 21 later this year, and I don't know where my childhood went. It seemed to zip by! I guess it's true what they say - time does pass by quickly as you get older.

I usually blog about writing, but today I wanted to talk about another aspect of it: publishing. Specifically, how difficult it is to navigate the publishing world and get your book accepted.

Recently, a literary agent requested my full children's novel. She told me she found it intriguing, exciting, imaginative...the list goes on. I sent the entire manuscript to her and waited...

And waited and waited....

Until a month and a half passed, and I got an email. I knew right away it wasn't an acceptance email (call it 'writer's intuition'.) She said she enjoyed the manuscript, but she didn't connect with the voice - my writing style. It's what makes an author unique - how they tell the story.

It's the different between Stephen King's writing and Ernest Hemingway's writing. Very, very different styles - but both are good.

Unfortunately, 'voice' is the hardest thing to change. It's who you are as a writer - your very soul. It's not as easy to fix as say, a plot hole or an inconsistency.

If I said I wasn't upset, I'd be lying. 

But I can't condemn her too harshly. If an agent doesn't love your book as much as you do, then they're not the right agent for you. Your work deserves a champion - someone who will fight for it. I don't want someone representing me if they only like my work a little.

This was the case for my other novel, THE DARK QUEEN. I must've had over 50 rejections before it was finally accepted by Fire and Ice, a small publishing house in Minnesota. (Believe me - I cried real tears of joy that day.)

I'm not angry or upset anymore because I realize publishing is like a roller coaster - a constant cycle of ups and downs.

One day, an agent tells you they like your novel and want to read more. You're on cloud nine! Then, a month later, they send you a rejection email and you're expected to move on.

Basically, it's a series of never-ending disappointments and let-downs.

I know, it sounds discouraging - but if writing is your passion, that will sustain you until you find your magic "yes".

Currently, a literary agent requested the full manuscript of my horror novel, PHOBIA. Yay! I'm so excited. (I got the email half an hour after my other rejection. See how quickly things change in the publishing world?)

No matter what this literary agent tells me - whether it's yes or no - I won't let myself get pessimistic or discouraged. 

Writing is my one true love, and no one can stop me - not even an army of a thousand rejection slips.

Publishing is a roller coaster, but I've got my helmet and I'm holding on for dear life. Bring it on!

As always, thanks for reading!




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