Nine Reasons Why Writers Are Amazing

Writers are amazing. Seriously.

I am consistently in awe of new stories, whether in the form of novels, films, television shows, video games, plays, and poems. And behind every great story is a writer that made it that way - and it was no easy feat.

Let's look at the nine ways that writers are amazing, magical creatures.

1. They Create Something From Nothing
What was once a blank page is now filled with words, ideas, characters, and conflicts. They are as close as you can get to wizards and gods, waving their pen (or keyboard) around and making something new.

2. They Endure Constant Criticism and Rejection
Being a writer is hard. After you've finished writing and polished off that manuscript, you'll face multiple rejections when submitting to agents (and some won't be kind). True writers power through it all, trying and trying again until they finally land a publishing deal. And even then, their books are subjected to harsh criticism and reviews. Forget thick skin - they must have skin of steel to ignore the haters!

3. They're Problem Solvers
Life is as much of a challenge as writing is! When not writing, writers face all kinds of problems as the years rolls by. Because of their creativity, they can see the bigger picture and solve problems. They know how to see the forest for the trees, and realize that little things are no big deal. Life is a story, and the small details won't matter - it's the big moments that count.

4. They Aren't Afraid
Showing your work to friends and family is nerve-wracking. Showing it to strangers is even worse! Somehow, writers overcome their fears and tell their stories. While self-doubt and frustration might pop up, they continue writing fearlessly. They also aren't afraid to make sacrifices for their art or write something a little different or strange.

5. They Make Us Feel
I'm sure you've read books that have made you angry, sad, bored, and happy. Writers are the masters of emotion - they can make us feel anything, and we're completely at their mercy. They help us work through these emotions and express ourselves better.

6. They Help Us Understand The World
Imagining yourself in someone else's shoes is the best way to sympathize and understand them. Writers help us with this, giving us stories of someone else's struggles and mindset. They might have us delve into a character who's poor, afraid, mad, or evil. By doing this, we can see the similarities and differences in humanity, and imagine life as someone else for a moment (or a chapter).

7. They Give Us An Escape
Life is difficult, and sometimes, we all need an escape. That's what writers do - provide us with a story that makes us forget about our own lives for a little while. You might read a book that takes place on another planet, in a fantasy realm, or in New York City. Wherever it takes place, you can stay there for a little while and explore new environments without having to move!

8. Writing Is Hard Work
And so is coming up with new ideas. Despite this, writers continue to write stories, day and night. They never stop, never quit, and never give in when times get tough. Hard work is just part of the job.

9. They Inspire New Generations
I read so many books as a kid, mostly from J.K Rowling, Stephen King, and Tamora Pierce. Because I admired their stories so much, I wanted to be a writer just like them! Their imagination fuels new generations of writers, ensuring that creativity lives on.

That's why, in my opinion, writers are amazing. The world is lucky to have them creating stories and giving us new worlds to explore.

Without them, life just wouldn't be the same. Fellow writers, thank you for existing!

Do you think that writers are amazing? Why or why not?


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