I'm Entering Pitch Wars!

That's right!

For the first time ever, I'm submitting to PitchWars this year!

If you don't know what that is, it's basically an author mentorship program. It seeks to help aspiring authors improve their writing and querying skills, and find an agent.

After you choose from a maximum of four authors that are open to mentoring on the website, you submit the query and synopsis of your latest finished book, and hope one of them likes your manuscript.

All authors/mentors on this website are published, and can provide invaluable resources for your publishing journey. Then, they help you with revisions and queries for THREE MONTHS. Sounds great, doesn't it?

Literary agents are heavily involved, and you can even be offered a publishing contract! Over 50 writers have had their novels published by using PitchWars.  

This is my first time, so I'm a little nervous, but excited at the same time! Everything I do, I hope it puts me on the right path to publication. The submissions open August 27th - and I'll be ready!

This is the query I'm using:

The Dark Queen is the story of eighteen-year-old Riley Stark - a new recruit in the Sentinels, a military group that protects Earth from the Underworld.

For centuries, war has been brewing below the surface of New York. People known as the soulless – immortal humans with strange powers and no souls – have threatened life on the surface. The Dark Queen seeks revenge for a crime long forgotten, and Riley’s just another pawn in her game.

Riley quickly learns that nothing is black and white – that the soulless are capable of more than her people believe; the Sentinels are hiding a dark secret; and Riley's run-in with the soulless is more than just a coincidence. When she falls in love with a soulless boy she’s been taught to hate, she realizes that she can’t trust anyone – soulless or otherwise.

It's for my latest novel, THE DARK QUEEN. It's been rejected a few times so far, and I'm hoping PitchWars can help me!

Wish me luck! And if you're an aspiring author with a finished manuscript, why not join? Anything could happen - even your wildest dreams!




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