My Latest Book is Finished!

Just a quick update before I start writing again...

Guess what?

I finished it!

My latest novel, GENESIS HOTEL - an adult science fiction story - is complete after a month and a half of rigorous writing.

It's a space hotel run entirely by androids. What's supposed to be a relaxing vacation turns into a nightmare when things start to go wrong, like food poisoning, androids malfunctioning, and a masked villain who tries to threaten everyone into leaving. Just when you think you know who this person is, there's a plot twist!

It's basically Bladerunner meets Westworld. It has a strong mystery element to it, too!

It currently sits at around 82,000 words, but it needs to go through seveal rounds of editing, revisions, and rewriting. I hope to spend a month doing that before I start querying it to agents!

I have a really good feeling about this manuscript. Here's hoping it'll be the one that's finally published!

In the meantime, I'm off to write another novel for NaNoWriMo. It's a children's mystery novel, and I'm aiming for 52,000 words.

Good luck to everyone participating in NaNoWriMo. Here's to finishing what you start!




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