NaNoWriMo is finally here!

Happy November! This year has gone by fast, hasn't it?

Since it's November, you know what that means...

It's the first day of National Novel Writing Month, where you write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. It's a wonderful, magical time for writers everywhere. It gives you a boost of motivation and encouragement! It's also comforting to know that there are writers out there just like you, penning the first draft of their novel.

There's so much optimism and positive energy in the air...(also caffeine, because us writers live off of that stuff.)

I have to start a day or two late, only because I'm currently finishing up a work in progress (that adult science fiction novel I blogged about before, called GENESIS HOTEL. I'm really proud of myself for writing it in a month and a half! I'm nearly at 80,000 words, but it needs to go through a LONG process of editing before it's finished.)

Anyways, I thought I'd post my synopsis again to remind everyone what project I'm working on in November. It's a children's mystery novel called THE GIFT GIVER:

   "Everyone in the small town of Springfield, Michigan knows Leroy Schmidt as the kind old man down the road. For the past fifteen years, he's been handing out gifts to the entire town - gifts he makes in his small workshop.
   While some residents think he's odd, twelve-year-old Sarah Dixon is his biggest fan. At the annual cookout, Leroy hands Sarah a music box before he disappears into the night. The entire town searches for him, but he's vanished without a trace - until Sarah realizes that the gifts are clues left behind by Leroy.
   If Sarah can find all of his gifts and unlock their secrets, they just might lead her to Leroy before something terrible happens."

I can't wait to see what novel is the winner and all of the incredible stories that come out of this journey. In fact, many NaNoWriMo participants have gone on to get their books published and become bestsellers! 

Can you tell I'm excited? I can't wait to start working on THE GIFT GIVER and tell my character's stories. NaNoWriMo, here I come!

Tell me: are you working on something for NaNoWriMo? What are your general thoughts about the process? Are you going it alone or with a writing buddy?

Happy November and here's to great, brand new stories!




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