We're at the halfway mark with NaNoWriMo!

It's November 15th already, which means NaNoWriMo is half over!

It's been fun so far, but it's also been a challenge to write every single day and keep that word count growing. All in all, I think it's a great experience for writers (amateurs and experts) to motivate and inspire them.

My children's mystery novel, THE GIFT GIVER, sits at 23,088 words this morning. I plan to write another 2,200 words today which will bring my total up to 25k. I'm right on schedule.

Exciting, isn't it? I'm almost halfway to 50 thousand! (Not bad, considering I started four days late. Story of my life, lol.)

How is your NaNoWriMo going? Are you on track or veering off a little?

If you're struggling or doubting yourself, that's perfectly fine - and very, very common, even among successful authors. Tell your inner-critic to shut up and keep writing! Even if you don't reach 50,000 words at the end of the month, at least you started.

And starting is the first step to finishing. Keep going. I'm rooting for you!

(And remember: Don't be so hard on yourself. Everyone writes differently and at varying speeds. This isn't a competition! You're only expected to do your best and have fun.)

I'll post another update as soon as I'm finished my novel near the end of November. Good luck to everyone participating! I can't wait to read your books one day!




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