Meet my novel for NaNoWriMo, DREAMWEAVERS!

Can you believe it's already October? Or PREPtober, I should say.

This is the month where writers planning to take part in NaNoWriMo -- writing a 50,00 word book in one month -- prepare their novels. Pretty exciting!

I'm currently still writing my YA sci-fi/fantasy novel, WANDERSKY. I'm almost finished chapter fifteen. By the end of October, I should be finished the entire novel. (I never work on more than one novel at a time -- too difficult to keep track of!)

When November arrives, I'll be writing a middle grade fantasy novel called DREAMWEAVERS. Here's the synopsis below:

I'm really into analyzing dreams and REM sleep, so this novel is an exploration of good dreams, bad dreams, and everything in between! It features:

  • A place called Dreamland where you go when you sleep (and anything's possible there!)
  • Dreamdust, dreamcatchers, and dreamwands
  • The main villain called the Nightmare King, who has been giving humans nightmares since the dawn of time
  • Other villains such as dream spiders (eek!) and shadow demons
  • Unexpected friendship
  • Fairies and monsters
  • Overcoming your worst fears
  • And so much more!
I'm really excited to start working on it. Bring on NanoWriMo!

I can't believe it's almost been a year since the last NaNoWriMo where I completed my middle grade mystery novel, THE GIFT GIVER. I learned so much during November 2018 - and realized how much I adore writing children's fiction. Time really flies!

Are there any writers out there taking part in NaNoWriMo this year? Why or why not?

Thanks for reading!




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