Hi all!

This is just a quick blog post to update you again on my next novel, THE DARK QUEEN, and its release date.

As many of you know, this is my first book to be traditionally published! I'm so excited. Everyone at Fire and Ice publishing is wonderful and they've helped a lot in getting my book ready.

The release date for my novel is still late February/early March 2020. (It's almost here!) I'll let you know the exact date soon. But my publishing company wants to get pre-orders going for mid-February. 

The pre-orders will happen for two weeks so you'll have plenty of time to get yourself a copy in advance (and one for your friend, too!) My books will be printed through Print-On-Demand and distributed through major book websites (like Amazon).

Publishing is a long journey which is why it's nearly taken two years for THE DARK QUEEN to come out. Self-publishing is obviously much faster, but there are plenty of downsides to that, too (which I've high-lighted in previous blog posts.)

So if I haven't been as active on social media or this blog, now you know why. I'm currently approving the final layout for THE DARK QUEEN and gearing up to edit Book Two and Three with my editor. I'm also:

-Writing my current novel, WANDERSKY
-Doing final edits for my previous novel, WHAT SHE DESIRES
-Plotting my next novel, DREAMWEAVERS, for NaNoWriMo
-Writing a comic book series about an anti-hero half-demon half-human (Issue 1 is complete!)
-Gearing up to write my next screenplay, THE PRINCESS KNIGHT

It's a busy life!

I work from sun up to sundown, even on the weekends. The life of a writer is demanding but it's also my life's passion. So if it means making sacrifices and focusing all my energy on writing and editing, then that's what I'll have to do.

People can say whatever they want about me, but they can never say I'm not a hard-worker! 

I'll have another blog post up by next week. Thanks for being so patient and understanding with me! My life is hectic and all over the place, but I haven't forgotten about this blog or my fans. As always, thanks for your support!




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