NaNoWriMo Update!

Hi all!

It's been six days since NaNoWriMo started. We're almost a week in. Can you believe that?!

As of yesterday, I reached 12 thousand words on my children's fantasy novel, DREAMWEAVERS. That's a pretty big milestone! Because of this, I'd like to share a sneak peek at the story:

'Fearscape' is what it's called when a nightmare merges with reality/the waking world. You can only escape if someone shows you your reflection in a mirror.

My novel has to deal with nightmares coming true, fairies that give people good dreams, and being brave in the face of fear and evil. It's my third children's novel and my sixteenth novel overall.

How is everyone else feeling? Are you panicking yet?

I always have the tendency to panic during the first ten chapters of a new novel. I wonder if I'll be able to finish it, if I'll run out of ideas, if I'll get bored of the story, and so on. The usual ruminations of self-doubt swirl around in my brain. But this time, I'm just going to sit back and see where this novel takes me.

Sometimes the journey is more important than the destination.

Today I'll be writing chapter six, aiming for 2100 hundred words. As I've been working on this novel, I've realized something...

As much as I love young adult and adult fiction -- and I still have TONS of ideas for both -- children's fiction is so enjoyable to write. You get to make it as wacky, weird, and wonderful as you want. I think I've found my niche -- my favorite age group.

While I'll continue writing other age groups in the future, I think I'll be exploring my middle grade/children's novels ideas in the upcoming months, probably for the better half of 2020. I'm excited that I made this discovery. Some of my first novels were children's fiction and I know how life-changing they can be.

As we approach the end of the first week of NaNoWriMo, I'd just like to say good luck to everyone participating. If I can do it, you can, too!

Here's to the finish line!




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