A New Book for NaNoWriMo!

I just started preparing for NaNoWriMo!

If you aren't sure what that is, it stands for National Novel Writing Month. For the month of November, you write a 50,000 word novel. Since it's a shorter word count, I've decided to write a children's mystery novel called THE GIFT GIVER.

At the end of the month, you can submit your novel and win! If you do win, it can help you find a literary agent. In fact, many NaNoWriMo participants - not just winners, either - have gone on to land book deals with the novels they wrote during that month!

It's a fun contest for anyone who struggles with finishing projects. I don't have that problem, but it's still a good experience to meet fellow writers and try new things. Plus, I'll have a new book written by the end of the month!

Here's the official synopsis for my November novel, THE GIFT GIVER:

    "Everyone in the small town of Springfield, Michigan knows Leroy Schmidt as the kind old man down the road. For the past fifteen years, he's been handing out gifts to the entire town - gifts he makes in his small workshop.
    "While some residents think he's odd, twelve-year-old Sarah Dixon is his biggest fan. At the annual cookout, Leroy hands Sarah a music box before he disappears into the night. The entire town searches for him, but he's vanished without a trace - until Sarah realizes that the gifts are clues left behind by Leroy.
    If Sarah can find all of his gifts and unlock their secrets, they just might lead her to Leroy before something terrible happens."

I'm so excited! It's my first children's novel, and my first time entering NaNoWriMo. Adding a book cover can increase your chances of winning by 60 percent, so here's the design I made using Canva:

If you're a fellow writer, why not join? You can even add me as a buddy if you want. My username is DanaGricken!

Another book written, another opportunity gained! I can't wait to write it and share it with the world.

As always, thanks for reading! Here's to a successful NaNoWriMo!




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