
I read an article the other day about the strange rituals of famous authors when they write.

James Joyce, the author of Ulysses, had to lie down in bed on his stomach to write. He also needed to wear white and use crayons instead of a pencil or a pen (mainly because he had myopic vision).

Maya Angelou would check into a hotel every time she needed to write. She had special requests for the room, too: distracting decor must vanish.

Truman Capote, author of In Cold Blood, avoided certain things. He was very superstitious and hated the number 13, would never start writing something on a Friday, and could not toss more than three cigarettes butts into an ashtray.

Ernest Hemingway would stand while writing. He would finish writing at noon and get drunk by three p.m.

There's plenty more of these, too.

Gertrude Stein wrote in a moving car.
Agatha Christie loved to eat fruit in the bath.
Dr. Seuss wore a funny hat when he felt creatively blocked.
Lewis Carroll wrote in purple ink.
Charles Dickens only slept facing north.
John Steinbeck needed two dozen sharpened pencils.

I've come to the conclusion that writers are strange people - myself included!

This made me think about my own rituals.

I get up very early to write, just before dawn. I usually exercise first, like going for a walk or a run. I can't write during the evening or at night because I'm too exhausted.

I need to have a cup of tea - either mint or jasmine oolong - and I play film scores in the background. (Any music I listen to CANNOT have words in it, or I'll get distracted.)

I'll write a schedule - say, start writing a new novel on Friday and a short story on Sunday - and I follow it meticulously. None of my family members are allowed to bother me when I'm in writing mode, either.

I probably sound too high maintenance with all of that, but hey, everyone has their quirks! I'm a very regimented, habitual person. I blame it on my OCD and perfectionism.

While reading, I'm not as uptight. All I need is a comfortable seat, pure silence, and a cat to sit on my lap!

If you're a writer or a reader, what rituals/habits did you have? Are they weird or reasonable? I'm curious to know!




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