Pitmad Is Today!

Hello, Blogger! I'm back again to talk about PitMad!

What is PitMad?

Let me tell you...

It takes place on Twitter as an opportunity to pitch your latest novel to literary agents. Agents/editors make requests by liking your tweets (so please, if you're not an agent, don't like my PitMad tweets! You can retweet to show your support, though!)

You're "Pitching like mad"...get it?

It takes place today on September 6, 2018, all day long on Twitter. Pitch your manuscript in under 280 characters and make sure to add the appropriate Twitter hashtags (#PitMad, your genre, etc.)

The next PitMad date is December 6, 2018, so set your calendars!

Since my first Tweet is done, I'm off to write a children's book and edit another novel. I'll be tweeting every four hours, three times (which are the rules). If my Tweets seem spammy, I'm so sorry! I'm just trying to get my work out there.

The same people who do PitchWars are also in charge of PitMad. (Small world, huh?) Here are the official rules:

  • Your manuscript should be completed, polished, unpublished, and ready to query. If you’re not ready to send the full manuscript immediately, please wait until the next event. For non-fiction, you should have a polished proposal. Memoirs should be completed.
  • Your pitch must fit inside one tweet. Do not thread tweets. You don’t have to include the title of your book in the pitch.
  • Include the #PitMad hashtag and an age category sub-hashtag (see list at the bottom of this page).
  • You may include multiple genre or additional hashtags as they apply (see list at the bottom of this page).
  • You can pitch more than one manuscript throughout the day.
  • You may only tweet three pitches for each manuscript throughout the day. They can be the same pitch or different pitches.
    • We suggest spacing them out every four hours.
  • Do NOT attach pictures unless it’s an illustration for a Picture Book, Graphic novel, or other material that includes illustrations.
  • Do NOT include links. Many agents use search filters that will render tweets with links invisible to them.
  • If an industry professional favorites/likes your tweet, check their recent tweets for submission preferences.
    • If they haven’t tweeted #PitMad submission guidelines, follow their usual query submission guidelines on their website, but put “PitMad Request: TITLE” in the subject line of your email.
    • Send the request as soon as you can.
    • If the agent has already rejected your book through traditional querying you should still send the requested materials and include this history in the beginning of your email, as well as a note if you have performed significant revisions since the initial query.
  • Remember:
    • Any industry professional can participate in #PitMad. It’s your responsibility to research the requesting agent or publisher.
    • You do NOT have to send requests if you aren’t interested in working with that person.

Have a great day! And if you're a writer with a finished and edited manuscript, why don't you take part? You never know - you might find a literary agent! Social media can be very helpful with your writing career! Good luck if you do!

I'm so grateful for all of these writing opportunities. They're SO much fun, and I've been meeting some amazing people. It's never a dull moment being a writer!




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