Watching Star Trek for the first time

This deviates from my previous writing-centered posts, but I wanted to share something.

I started watching Star Trek for the first time two months ago, at 20 years old.

I'm currently on season two of the originals, and I plan to watch all of it (every series, including the animated one and all of the movies.)

I should preface this by saying I am a HUGE Star Wars fan. My dad, who is also a big fan, showed me the originals and the prequels when I was six. Instantly, I fell in love.

With lightsabers, cool Force powers, and Darth Vader, what's not to like?

(For Halloween when I was ten, I dressed up in a pink princess gown with a red lightsaber and Darth Vader's helmet. Seriously, my love runs deep.)

While I couldn't get enough of Star Wars, I was never a big fan of Star Trek. You'd think I would be, considering I love science fiction. Anything that has aliens, space travel, and foreign worlds is good with me.

But as a kid, it just didn't interest me. I can see why. The episodes are very mature and adult-themed. I'm not saying it's inappropriate or raunchy or anything like that, but I think a lot of the episode's messages will go right over the heads of kids.

There's a lot to infer, and I don't think I would've made the connection as a six-year-old.

When I saw all of the episodes on Netflix, I thought: why not? Let's give it a shot.

From the first episode, THE MAN TRAP, I was hooked. Since then, my obsession has only grown. The transporter, the Phaser rifles, the tricorders...the tech is just so cool!

Some of my favorite episodes (so far) have been The Enemy Within, Mirror, Mirror, Space Seed, and The City on the Edge of Forever.

(The Alternative Factor was the worst episode I watched, possibly one of the worst episodes of ANY TV show. I heard it wasn't well-received, and I can see why. It was really disjointed and all over the place, but every other episode has been incredible!)

(Also, I have a huge, all-encompassing love for Spock. I have declared him to be my space boyfriend. It's only logical.)

I haven't gotten to The Next Generation yet, but I hear it's wonderful. (No one can beat Kirk and Spock, though. They're number one.)

Watching Star Trek has given me plenty of new ideas with my writing, too. It's really helping me think outside of the box and be more creative. I don't watch a lot of television, but I'm glad I started watching Star Trek.

I love that every episode is different, and deals with real world issues. It isn't just about space exploration - it's a humanist show, telling us that we need to work together in order to evolve to visit the stars. The cast is diverse, and extremely rare for the 60s. I love it.

I am now officially calling myself a Trekkie. Let it be known across the galaxy (where no man has gone before.)

Thank you, Gene Roddenberry, for creating such a fantastic world and set of characters.

Live long and prosper, friends.

Thanks for reading!




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