What I love and hate about writing

Hello, world!

As I'm smack dab in the middle of writing my current book (the third one in my latest trilogy), I thought I'd share a few things I've grown to love and hate during my writing journey.

Writing is hard. Every writer knows it. But for every bad aspect, there is also a lot of good, too.

Let's begin!

Things I Love About Writing:

1. Freedom
I can't think of any other activity where you get to create worlds, characters, conflicts, and new ideas. When I'm writing, it's all in my control. In real life, there are things you can't do and places you can't go. When you're writing, the impossible becomes the possible. You become a God, and the pen you weave is like magic.

2. The Readers
Someone telling you that they enjoyed your book really is one of the best feelings in the world. When someone is just as passionate about your writing as you are, it makes you feel like a million bucks. Not to mention your writing can inspire people and make them see life through the eyes of others (and compassion is something the world needs more of.) Writers are capable of changing the world with their ideas, and making this planet a better place.

3. Creative Expression
Writing is all about expressing yourself. It's a time to take all of your problems - especially ones that you've kept bottled up - and let them out. It's liberating. I always tell people that if they want to get to know me, all they have to do is read my stories. My body, mind, and soul goes into every single one. 

Things I Hate About Writing:

1. Rejection
Rejection is terrible. Everyone will tell you that - and not just writers. The thing is, writing is a profession that requires you to get rejected a lot - often on a daily basis. You will face years of being told "no" before someone enjoys your work and says "yes". That's perfectly fine. Getting published or "making it" is a journey. Everyone moves at a different pace, and rejection can teach you a lot about yourself. I always say that rejection is the first step on the staircase to success.

2. Getting Stuck/Writer's Block
There's a lot of debate surrounding writer's block. Does it really exist? Well, I think yes and no. I believe Writer's Block is a state of mind, usually brought on by self-doubt (see below) and anxiety. I've written almost nine novels, and I think I've only gotten writer's block once or twice. When I realized it was caused by my own mind - i.e: worrying that I wasn't telling a good story, or that I'd run out of plot points - I learned how to suppress it. It can be conquered as long as you keep writing and refuse to give up.

3. Self-Doubt
There's a lot of pressure when writing a book. I'm constantly asking myself, "Is this good?", "Will my readers like it?", "Will I even like it?" Sometimes it's difficult to quiet these voices, but you must. Self-doubt is every writer's enemy, and it does you no good to dwell on it. A little anxiety is normal, but don't let it control you - and don't let it get in the way of writing.

That being said, nothing could ever make me stop writing. It is my passion - the one thing I truly adore in this world. The feeling of accomplishment after completing a good writing session can't be compared to anything.

Writing has many ups and downs, but if you stick with it, I guarantee that it will be rewarding. It's like life. Sure, it's challenging and painful, but the happy moments make it all worthwhile.

Fellow writers, what do you love and hate about writing? Does any of it surprise you? I'd love to know!

Thanks for reading!




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